▲ W. Simonson, L. Lullabi, S. Hope, "World of Warcraft #2: Killing Ground", DC Comics, 2007
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快速連結:Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal 任務劇情試譯--部落篇
快速連結:Warcraft II 任務劇情試譯--聯盟篇
快速連結:Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal 任務劇情試譯--部落篇
Act I: A Time for Heroes
I. Alleria's Journey
Lord Khadgar, Keeper of the Eternal Watch and master of the mystic Citadel of Nethergarde, has sensed a dark power gathering around the remnants of the rift that lies within the Black Morass. He believes that a new Orcish invasion is imminent, and has urged the Alliance to act. The Elven Ranger Alleria, and a small band of her elite guard, have been sent as escort so that you may gather reinforcements to counter this threat.
Your travels to the Castle of New Stormwind will lead you across the paths of both the Paladin called Turalyon and a mercenary captain known as Danath. Engage their aid during your journey, as their leadership may be needed by the Alliance in the dark days ahead.
-Rescue Heroes and return all three to the circle in New Stormwind
I. 艾蘭里亞*的旅程
II. The Battle For Nethergarde
A great host of Orcs have reconstructed the Dark Portal and now lay siege to the Citadel of Nethergarde. The Horde still maintain their hold over the great winged dragons of Azeroth.
A faction of these creatures, seeming to have grown to crave the taste of battle, have become willing allies with the Orcs under the leadership of a great Black Dragon known only as Deathwing.
Danath has been asked to raise an army from New Stormwind to relieve the beleaguered forces at Nethergarde and drive the Horde back towards the Portal. You must lead the forces of Azeroth in an attempt to break the vanguard of the invading Horde, for unless their assault is stopped, they will gain dominion over the Black Morass.
-Destroy all enemy forces
-Danath must survive
II. 守望堡的戰鬥
III. Once More Unto the Breach
Having broken the momentum of the Horde offensive at Nethergarde, the time is ripe for a decisive counter attack. The High Command agrees that a strong assault upon the fortress that the Orcs have raised near the Dark Portal may well end the conflict before it has rightly begun.
The Arch-Wizard Khadgar, however, believes that the Orcish Hordes may not be here for the sake of mere conquest. He believes that if the Portal can be captured, and not destroyed, he can uncover the purpose for the Horde's present invasion into Azeroth.
-Destroy all strongholds and fortresses
-Turalyon must reach the Dark Portal alive
III. 再次突破
Act II: Draenor, The Red World
IV. Beyond the Dark Portal
Elven scouts bring chilling news from Azeroth. A tearing of shadows heralded the arrival of the mighty Orc Shaman Ner'zhul and his guard of Death Knights within the Royal Library of New Stormwind. Unleashing their black magiks, they slaughtered all who opposed them and then fled into the night with their prize - the Book of Medivh.
This serves to confirm what Khadgar has gleaned from the Battle of Nethergarde. He is convinced that the Horde is attempting to learn how the great sorcerer opened the rift between our world and that of the Horde, known in the Book of Medivh only as Draenor.
With countless domains to plunder, the Horde would become an unstoppable power. The High Command believes that our only recourse is to venture through the Portal - both to reclaim the Book of Medivh and to ensure that the Horde can never again threaten Azeroth.
-Erect a castle to protect the Portal
-Destroy all enemy forces
IV. 黑暗傳送門之外
V. Upon the Shadowed Seas
Having fortified your position on the Hellfire Peninsula where the Portal is located, the time has come to establish a fleet to attack the surrounding clans. The Orcish shipyards of Zeth'kur lie nearby, and for our plans to progress you must destroy them and the ships of war that are stationed there.
While the Horde has been stunned by the ferocity of your attack, our presence here has driven the clans to new heights of fury. You will be unable to maintain this foothold for long against their numbers, so your victories must be daring and swift.
-Build three Shipyards
-Destroy all Orcish Shipyards
V. 暗影之海
VI. The Fall of Auchindoun
Kurdran - Gryphon Rider of Northeron - has returned from his patrol with vital news. He has located the hidden Fortress of Auchindoun and the battlements that serve as stronghold to the Bleeding Hollow clan. Alleria's Rangers also report that they have seen a massive force moving towards the North, and suspect that these troops are staging for another attack upon Azeroth.
Although the Orcish army is too large for your forces to battle alone, you may be able to launch a raid against Auchindoun. Should your strike succeed, you would force their army to retreat - or be cut off and destroyed.
Raze the Fortress of Auchindoun and retreat before their forces can rally against you.
-Turalyon and Danath must return to the Circle of Power after destroying Bleeding Hollow (Orange)
VI. 奧金頓的殞落
Act III: War in the Shadows
VII. Deathwing
The arcane powers that surround the blazing ruins of Auchindoun have made urgent the summoning of Khadgar to the dark lands of the Orcs. The destruction of the Bleeding Hollow clan was not without great price, however, for both Kurdran and his mount Sky'ree were captured by the Horde.
While examining the remains of the great fortress, the Arch-Wizard has learned not only the location of the Book of Medivh, but also that another artifact is needed for Ner'zhul's plans to reach fruition - the Skull of Gul'dan. Khadgar believes it will be possible to destroy the Portal and permanently seal the rift created by Medivh if he can acquire these artifacts.
A great mountain isle lies to the northeast, atop which the Black Dragon Deathwing dwells. The Skull of Gul'dan lies within his lair. Alleria and Khadgar have agreed to aid you in stealing away the Skull and - if possible - destroy the great Dragon.
It is rumored that Orcish tribes live on this island and offer captives from the Great War as sacrifices to Deathwing. If you can rescue them, they may know of some weakness in the creature...
-Destroy Deathwing and his lair
-Khadgar, Alleria and Kurdran must survive.
VII. 死亡之翼
VIII. Coast of Bones
Seeking out the artifacts needed to seal the rift has given the Horde time to mount a strike against us. A great Orcish armada threatens the coasts that you have captured, and the armies of the Alliance have been hard pressed on many fronts.
Our only chance for victory now lies in obtaining the Book of Medivh.
All knowledge of the Portal rests in the keeping of Ner'zhul and his Order of Death Knights at the Fortress of Shadowmoon. You must storm and raze the strongholds that guard the coastline of his lands so that our forces may be brought to bear in an effort to isolate and destroy his cursed sanctuary.
-Destroy all enemy forces
VIII. 白骨海岸
IX. The Heart of Evil
The towering spires of Shadowmoon reach upwards as obsidian blades to cleave the hostile amber skies above. The corrupt heart of the mighty Shaman's power is within reach. Press your attack and the bane of Ner'zuhl and his Order of Death Knights will be wiped from the face of Draenor, forever.
By destroying this dark fortress and claiming the Book of Medivh, Khadgar will be able to close the rift and Azeroth will be rid of the Orcish Hordes once and for all!
-Destroy the Shadowmoon Fortress (Black)
-Raze Ner'zhul's Mystic Sanctum
Act IV: The Measure of Valor
X. Siege of Vanguard
Although the Fortress of Ner'zuhl has been destroyed and the Death Knights scattered, neither the Shaman nor the Book of Medivh has been found. As Khadgar and Turalyon use their magiks to search the ruins for some clue as to the location of the mystic tome, a Gnomish flying machine descends, bringing news from the Hellfire Peninsula and the Portal.
A multitude of Orcs have laid siege to the fortifications at Hellfire. Although the attacking warriors are not well equipped, their sheer numbers may spell the downfall of our forces there.
You must take command of the Alliance armies at Hellfire and break the siege before our troops are pushed back through the Dark Portal. We must withstand their charge long enough for the Book of Medivh to be recovered and the rift forever sealed.
-Hold out until the besieging Orcs retreat
-All your Heroes must survive the siege
X. 前鋒營地圍城戰
XI. Dance of the Laughing Skull
You have proven your strength in battle, but none can stand against the combined might of the Horde. We of the Laughing Skull clan, however, seek advantage from the turmoil of this war. With the aid of your strongest warriors, our clan can gain dominance over the northern clans of Draenor.
Do not show surprise, Human - only the strongest survive within the Horde.
You must secure the passes across the Blade's Edge Mountains and destroy the stronghold of the Thunderlord clan that dwell there. We will supply you with warriors and supplies culled from our villages. In return, we will give you the Book of Medivh, which we seized from Ner'zhul's stronghold before your armies could destroy it.
-Destroy all enemy forces
-All your Heroes must survive
XI. 獰笑骷髏之舞
XII. The Bitter Taste of Victory
Khadgar has discovered that although the Book of Medivh was stolen from Ner'zhul, the ancient Shaman has learned enough of its secrets to conjure his darkest spell. Over the blood red skies of Draenor, huge dimensional rifts appear, crackling with the cosmic energy of the Twisting Nether. Alleria's scouts report that Ner'zhul and his followers escaped through the largest of the new rifts as Draenor felt the first of its death throes. The tremendous energies emitted from the converging rifts have succeeded in breaking down the fabric of reality in Draenor; unleashing massive earth quakes and tidal waves upon its shores.
Unless the Dark Portal is closed on both worlds, Azeroth will be subject to an enormous backlash of energy resulting from Draenor's catastrophic discorporation.
Using the combined powers of the Book of Medivh and the Skull of Gul'dan, you must return Khadgar to the Dark Portal and seal the rift between Azeroth and the doomed world of Draenor, forever.
-Destroy the Dark Portal
-Only Khadgar can destroy the Portal
-Khadgar must survive
XII. 勝利的苦澀滋味
Human Finale
As the flames die to embers and the arcane energies that once bound two worlds slowly fade, the Dark Portal crumbles into dust as its powers subside and dissolve. The finality of what has been done here becomes manifest. The moment is shattered as volcanoes erupt in fiery fury as the earth begins to shake beneath your feet. The world of Draenor is dying...
Khadgar motions toward the remaining rifts created by Ner'zhul and beckons you to follow him. The warriors of Azeroth under your command gaze upon the rifts with uncertainty - but to remain would be suicide. Knowing that their beloved Azeroth is safe from harm, they gather up weapons and wounded companions alike as you lead them into the swirling, unknown reaches of the Twisting Nether.
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